Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Task 3 - Business Card intro...

To introduce very basic Photoshop skills
To introduce basic layout rules

You are to design a business card for yourself. You are now a Graphic Designer and this requires that you make a good impression from the outset!

First off, right click, save and print off THIS TEMPLATE to get started. Just use the 4 rectangles to draft out some ideas in rough for the front and back of your design. Either that, or work in your sketchbook.

2. What to include? How about some of these... Full name, Job Title, Email, Phone No, Website/blog address, Facebook, Twitter etc etc... but consider clutter!

3. Download this digital template HERE and complete your design using Photoshop.

Photograph your sketches (they're called 'Scamps' from now on)
Take a couple of screenshots of your design's journey in Photoshop
Print off your final card and photograph them in a relevant way. 

Checklist for assessment
Detailed scamping
Screenshots of 'journey'
interesting design that has 'moved forward'


You think it's ok, but how can you improve it? Play around with a few of these...
Try one colour and use various different shades of that... then add a smidge of the complementary to an important element.
Forget the edge of the card. Make certain elements stretch beyond the limits.
Alter the size of elements, make contrast the visually stimulating element.
Make friends with 'white space'. Make your design tiny and put it in the corner, use the remainder of the space wisely to get a balance.
Use differing opacity. Make elements subtle by lower the transparency or use blending modes.

Task 2 - Blog Header

Task: Create a beautiful blog header.

Using Photoshop and Dafont, create a blog header.
Make sure you include the following info:

Your name  /  GCSE  /  Graphics

SIZE = 900 X 300 PIXELS

Think about typeface, colour, hierarchy and clarity.

Here is a NEW tutorial I've made for you :)

Task 1 - Setting up a Blog.

Create your first blog.
Title - GCSE Graphics Unit 0
Address - (yourname)
Template - 'Simple'

Then send an email to me ( 
Subject - hi Sir :)
Content - the email you used to log into your blog AND your password.


Thursday, 5 July 2012

Embedded skills

These are the skills that you will develop during the GCSE Graphics course:

1. Developing ideas students will:
1a. understand how ideas provide the starting point for art and design practice and form an integral part of the creative process
1b. formulate ideas from a variety of starting points
1c. carry out appropriate research from primary and contextual sources
1d. analyse and evaluate their own and others’ work in the context of developing ideas
1e. develop insight into selected works from contemporary, historical and cultural contexts.

2. Refining ideas and skills students will:
2a. develop skills through experimenting with appropriate media and methods
2b. use materials and techniques to explore the potential of ideas
2c. research sources to inform the development and refinement of ideas
2d. review, analyse and select ideas
2e. sustain the development of ideas, building on and developing skills.

3. Recording for purpose students will:
3a. carry out appropriate research from primary and contextual sources
3b. demonstrate skilful use of the formal elements, including line, tone, colour, shape, pattern, texture, form and structure
3c. use media and refer to contextual sources to develop a range of recording skills
3d. develop visual, spatial, textural and other qualities within the context of recording from appropriate sources.

4. Presenting and realising students will:
4a. develop and communicate ideas through an informed use of visual, spatial, textural and other qualities
4b. demonstrate understanding of selected works from contemporary, historical and cultural contexts
4c. show evidence of an ongoing critical and analytical review of their progress, making relevant connections between visual, written, oral and other elements
4d. recognise the important role of individual responsibility and personal development in producing and presenting their response(s) in a meaningful way.